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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = architektura] OR [Subject and Keywords = budownictwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = architecture] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura sakralna] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia sztuki] OR [Subject and Keywords = wystawy] OR [Subject and Keywords = zabytki sakralne] OR [Subject and Keywords = sztuka gotycka] OR [Subject and Keywords = sztuka romańska] OR [Subject and Keywords = opactwo cystersów w Wąchocku] OR [Subject and Keywords = Słowianie Zachodni] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura kościelna] OR [Title = Architekt 1907 z. 2]

Number of results: 6 099

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Miller, Maria. Oprac. Wojnowska, Dorota. Il. Połocka, Alina. Oprac. Zdunek, Hanna. Oprac. Szczypkowska, Jadwiga. Oprac. Portacha, Alicja. Oprac.

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