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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = maszyny elektryczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = instalacje elektryczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = urządzenia elektryczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = ochrona przeciwporażeniowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = ochrona przeciwpożarowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = przepisy prawne] OR [Subject and Keywords = BHP] OR [Subject and Keywords = izolacje elektryczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = electrical equipment] OR [Subject and Keywords = law regulations] OR [Subject and Keywords = fire protection] OR [Subject and Keywords = industrial safety] OR [Subject and Keywords = electrical systems] OR [Subject and Keywords = electric insulation] OR [Subject and Keywords = electric machines] OR [Subject and Keywords = electric shock protection] OR [Title = Przepisy bezpieczeństwa dla urządzeń elektrycznych o napięciu do 250 woltów]

Number of results: 27

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Dudzińska, Elżbieta (1938- ). Oprac.

biografia karta

Kubiatowski, Jerzy (1922-1995). Oprac.

biografia karta

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