
Search for: [Subject and Keywords = zbiory rozmyte] OR [Subject and Keywords = logika rozmyta] OR [Subject and Keywords = teoria zbiorów przybliżonych] OR [Subject and Keywords = zbiory przyblizone] OR [Subject and Keywords = logika matematyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = mereologia] OR [Title = Rough sets\: A tutorial] OR [Creator = Pawlak, Zdzisław] OR [Creator = Skowron, Andrzej] OR [Creator = Komorowski, Jan] OR [Creator = Polkowski, Lech]

Number of results: 338

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Pawlak, Zdzisław. Red. Muraszkiewicz, Mieczysław. Red. Rybiński, Henryk. Red.


Pawlak, Zdzisław Łukaszewicz, Leon Sawicki, Zygmunt Jaworski, Wojciech Fiett, Jerzy

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