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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = architektura polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = fotografia dokumentalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = zabytki architektury] OR [Subject and Keywords = polish architecture] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura sakralna] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura gotycka] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura barokowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = fotografia polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kujawy] OR [Subject and Keywords = woj.kujawsko\-pomorskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura 14 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = klasztory cystersów] OR [Subject and Keywords = Theodoricus] OR [Subject and Keywords = bazyliki] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura cysterska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Koronowo] OR [Subject and Keywords = kościoły] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szlak Cysterski w Polsce] OR [Subject and Keywords = zakon cystersów] OR [Subject and Keywords = kościoły cystersów] OR [Subject and Keywords = cystersi] OR [Subject and Keywords = klasztory] OR [Subject and Keywords = architektura ceglana] OR [Title = Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny i klasztor cystersów w Koronowie] OR [Creator = Poddębski, Henryk]

Number of results: 3 527

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